CALMLY Meditation Series

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CALMLY is my unique process that synthesizes mindfulness, meditation, and music within a faith-centered (Christian) context. The process can help you become more present to each moment, process emotions more quickly, feel more connected to yourself and Spirit, and create a life that aligns with your deepest values.

Each letter stands for a specific intention that will help you to release limiting thoughts, fears and emotions, and experience a life of increased wonder and joy. (C-Cave of Wonder, A-Awareness, L-Let Go,-M-Make Space, L-Listen, Y-Yahweh). You can listen to the guide for each section, then immerse yourself in the corresponding musical soundscape to enhance your meditation of each intention in a uniquely transportive experience.

The CALMLY Meditation series is includes 25 minutes of music and takes approximately one hour to complete. However, once your work through the guides, you are welcome to simply listen to the music. Each step and composition is a separate track, allowing you to pause or focus on what resonates with you the most.

Once you experience CALMLY, you will realize that it is much more than a meditation technique. It is a way of approaching your life and each problem with intention instead of reactivity. CALMLY is a way of slowing down, and learning to listen to yourself in the moment so that you can make immediate adjustments to your mindset while discovering the "root" of your emotions and reactions.

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A narrated guide to help you meditate through each step of the CALMLY process as well as 25 minutes of orginal soundtracks to enhance your experience and help you internalize each step.

The 1 hour meditation series includes 30 minutes of original music
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CALMLY Meditation Series

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